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What is the best treatment for pimples and acne?

Acne is one of the most common skin problems in humans. Almost 80% of people are suffering from acne at some point in their life. Most people get acne between the ages of 11 to 30 years of age, this is when their hormones are everywhere. So, the question arises that How to get rid of acne naturally? [1] When your body’s glands overproduce oils, they combine with the dead skin cells. This blocks the pores and the hair follicles. Then the bacteria begins to grow in the clogged pores, causing a breakout.

Now there are various factors like skin type, genetics that decides the severity of acne.

First, we will talk about the skin care and then we will talk about the nutritional side of things so that you are able to heal acne from the outside and within. So, let us first start with skincare.

Do not Touch Your Face

First thing first, if you are suffering from acne, do not touch your face. Constantly, touching your face can lead to breakouts. This is because the bacteria can transfer from your fingertips onto the skin. Although, it is very difficult as people are prone to touching their faces on a regular basis but if your skin is prone to acne, be careful of scratching your face, resting your face on your hands and picking up pimples.

Never Pop a Pimple

Do not pop a pimple. The risk is that in doing so you will push the infection out of hair follicles into the surroundings. This will cause more inflammation making acne longer to heal. Also, can the bacteria can spread to non affected areas causing even more acne. And then the risk of scars is always there. So, never ever pop a pimple.

Wash Your Face Regularly

Wash your face twice a day. Cleaning the face often will keep the oil production low, kill bacteria and rinse away the dead skin cells. Make sure to wash your face gently because if it is vigorously done, it can irritate the skin and aggravate breakouts.Use any face wash which suits you.

Tea tree oil based face wash, due to their antibacterial power, gently remove sebum, excess dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils.

So, wash your face once after getting up in the morning and once before going to sleep at night.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink lots of water. As skin is the largest organ of the human body, it is affected when you don’t drink ample amounts of water. The toxins, the bodily waste and even the bacteria can be trapped within your skin without proper hydration to flush them out which can increase the possibility of acne. So make it a habit of drinking 8 to 12 hours a day.

Take Shower after Workout

Always take a shower after exercise. If you are prone to acne be sure to always take a shower after exercising to remove all dead skin cells that your body has shed off through sweating. If you can not shower after the workout, at least use a soft wet towel to wipe down and remove most of the sweat.

Avoid Smoking

We all know that smoking has negative effects on the skin. Some researchers believe that smoking can cause or aggravate acne breakouts. So, if your skin is prone to acne, it is better to stay away from all kinds of smoke.

Wash Your Fabrics Regularly

Any fabric that comes in contact with your skin on a regular basis, for example- your clothes, towel, pillowcases and sheets should be washed at least once a week to remove all the oil, bacteria and dirt that has buildup on them over time.

Avoid Wearing Too Much Makeup

This one is for the ladies out there. Unfortunately, makeup can cause acne and may make whiteheads, blackheads, pimples inflammation worse. This does not mean that you can not makeup at all. The best acne treatment approach is to select makeup which is labelled non-comedogenic.

Non-Comedogenic denotes a skincare product of cosmetic that is formulated so as not to cause blocked pores.

Sleep Well

If you aren’t getting enough sleep chances are that your skin hasn’t had the time or the ability to renew it’s skin cells. Another factor connecting sleep deprivation to acne is the increase in the cortisol hormone in the body. Cortisol, in turn, causes the skin to secrete more sebum which results in acne.

Sebaceous glands secrete the oily, waxy substance called sebum. An excess amount of sebum along with dirt and bacteria causes the formation of a pimple.


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