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Does steaming your face help acne?

Regular facials with steam are wonderful skin care treatments that promote deep cleansing of pores. And increasing circulation to the face while giving that overall glowing complexion. Clogged pores are one of the key contributing factors to acne breakouts including (blackheads and whiteheads) and other certain skin infections. Whether you suffer from acne or have blemish-free skin, one of the best ways to cleanse facial pores is to steam your face. The warm steam causes your face to sweat, which opens the pores and helps soften the surface layer of dead skin cells, releasing dirt and debris that could be trapped in pores and lead to breakouts. Naturally, our bodies produce sebum which protects and lubricates the skin, but when it becomes trapped in our follicles, breakouts can occur. When steam is applied to the face, it softens and loosens pores and allows blackheads and etc. to be gently extracted from the surface of the skin by gently releasing them from follicular openings. While this process can help clear up mild acne, those who suffer from severe acne or skin conditions like rosacea should consult a doctor before trying an at home facial note another benefit to steaming your face is that it triggers blood vessels in the skin to dilate so that more blood can flow into the skin, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and gives the dewy rosy look. 

Here are the steps for Steaming a Clean face and getting the best results:

Tools you need:
  1. Facial steamer
  2. Facial cleaning brush
1. Cleansing: Cleansing your skin first is important so that you don’t clog pores. Start with a fresh clean face. After steaming it will be more easily for you to remove comedones such as blackhead and whiteheads and small pimples ready to be extracted. When you steam your face you open up your pores and if you don’t cleanse first, makeup, sweat, dirt, debris and etc. can more likely get into pores causing clogged pores and more possible breakouts.

2. Exfoliate: Gently exfoliate the skin with a gentle a scrub in small circular motions. Make sure to focus on areas around the nose and forehead (basically the t-zone areas). If certain areas of your face are more oily than others, give those areas an extra bit of gentle scrubbing.

3. Steam: After cleansing… then by steaming the skin, this will cause the skin to soften and for pores will be opened. Steaming makes it easier to extract impurities from the skin such as blackheads and whiteheads. Afterwards, while pores are open applying masks and serums will be better absorbed into the skin, penetrating deeper and removing toxins. Steaming helps blood flow circulation into the skin while allowing your body to perspire and release toxins. You can read this How to steam your face at home?

4. Mask: After steaming applying a mask or any other topical solution will penetrate the skin deeper allowing the effects of the mask to more effectively promote healthier skin. And if you suffer from Acne charcoal mask can be an added bonus in helping in extracting impurities and excess oil from the skin.

5. Moisturize: Moisturizing with the right type of moisturizer as your last step will hydrate your skin. And always remember to apply a broad spectrum SPF 30 and above to protect from UV harmful damage. And to promote and maintain healthy youthful skin.

If you want something which is 100% natural, free, really works and something you can do from home today then check this out: Best Natural Beauty Tips!


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